

Description: * JEWISH RELIGION HISTORY PHILOSOPHY HEBREWS * 200+ RARE ANCIENT BOOKS DVD * This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original booksderived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. Titles Include: New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 1, 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 1 (XIX), 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 1 (IX), 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 3, 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 3 (XI), 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 4 (XII), 1901 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 5, 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 5 (XIII), 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 6 (XIV), 1902 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 7, 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 7-8 (XV & XVI), 1918 New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud, Original Text Edited, Corrected, Formulated and Translated into English by Michael L. Rodkinson, Volume 9 (XVII), 1918 Tales and Maxims from the Talmud 1912 by Samuel Rapaport 1912 Hebrew Literature Comprising Talmudic Treatises, Hebrew melodies and The Kabbalah Unveiled 1901 by E. Wilson Isaac Leeser Holy Scriptures 1891 The Holy Scriptures According To The Masoretic Text by the Jewish Publication Society 1917 Kittel's Biblia Hebraica Volume 1 1906 Kittel's Biblia Hebraica Volume 2 1906 The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 1 (Whiston) 1889 The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 2 (Whiston) 1889 The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 3 (Whiston) 1889 The Works of Flavius Josephus Volume 4 (Whiston) 1889 Eighteen treatises from the Mishna by D. A. Sola and M. J. Raphall 1843 The Wisdom Of The Talmud - A Thousand Years Of Jewish Thought by Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser The Talmud by Joseph Barclay 1878 The Talmud - Selections from the Contents of that Ancient Book, its Commentaries, Teachings, Poetry and Legends, also Brief Sketches of the Men Who Made and Commented Upon It by Hymen Polano 1876 Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, comprising Pirqe Aboth in Hebrew and English with Notes and Excursuses by Charles Taylor 1897 Hebraic Literature - Translations from The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by H. H. Maurice 1901 Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta - The Judicial Procedure of the Jews as Codified Towards the End of the Second Century A.D. by H. Danby 1919 Tractate Berakoth (benedictions) Mishna and Tosephta, translated from the Hebrew, with introduction and notes by A. Lukyn Williams 1921 Jewish Mysticism by Joshua Abelson 1913 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 1, 1913 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 2, 1909 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 3, 1909 The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg Volume 4, 1909 The Sepher Yetzirah (from the Kabbala) The Cabala, its Influence on Judaism and Christianity by Bernard Pick 1913 The Sacred Books and Early Literature of the East - Ancient Hebrew - The Earliest Remains of the Talmud by Charles F Horne 1917 Union Haggadah 1923 (Home service for the Passover) The Improvement of the Moral Qualities, an ethical treatise of the 11th century by Solomon ibn Gabirol, printed from an unique Arabic manuscript, together with a translation and an essay on the place of Gabirol in the history of the development of Jewish Ethics 1901 Judah Hallevi's Kitab al Khazari 1905 Jewish Fairy Tales and Fables 1908 by Gertrude Landa The Guide of the Perplexed by Moses Maimonides Studies in Life from Jewish Proverbs by William Elmslie 1917 Jewish Fairy Tales and Stories by Gerald Friedlander 1918 Folk-lore of the Holy Land - Moslem, Christian and Jewish 1907 Studies in Judaism by Solomon Schechter 1896 Early Judaism by Laurence Brown 1920 The Genius of Judaism by Isaac Disraeli 1833 What is Judaism? by AS Isaacs 1912 Hebrew New Testament by Franz Delitzsch 1901 Jewish School and Family Bible, Volume 1 by Dr Benisch 1851 Jewish School and Family Bible, Volume 2 by Dr Benisch 1851 Jewish School and Family Bible, Volume 3 by Dr Benisch 1851 Jewish School and Family Bible, Volume 4 by Dr Benisch 1851 Yiddish New Testament, Bergmann's Revision 1912 Yiddish Old Testament 1901 Stories from the Rabbis by AS Isaacs 1893 In the Pale - Stories and legends of the Russian Jews by Henry Iliowizi 1897 Yiddish Tales by Helena Frank 1912 Jewish Holyday Stories by Elma Levinger 1918 Ceremonies, Rites and Traditions of the Jews interspersed with gleanings from the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmud, and the Targums, Mishna, Gemara, Maimonides, Abarbanel, Zohar, Aben-Ezra, Oral law 1830 Hyam Isaacs How to tell Bible stories to Jewish children by David Pool 1913 English - Yiddish Dictionary by Alexander Harkavy 1891 The Golden Fleece - a book of Jewish Cabalism by Thomas Page 1888 Hebrew Mythology by Milton Woolley 1888 Aspects of the Hebrew Genius, a volume of essays on Jewish literature and thought by Leon Simon 1910 Maimonides and Halevi - a study in typical Jewish attitudes towards Greek philosophy in the Middles Ages by Harry Wolfson 1912 A History of Mediaeval Jewish philosophy by Isaac Husik 1916 Jewish Ethical Idealism by Frank Ridgley 1918 Philo Judaeus Of The Jewish Alexandrian Philosophy In Its Development And Completion, Volume 1 by James Drummond 1888 Philo Judaeus Of The Jewish Alexandrian Philosophy In Its Development And Completion, Volume 2 by James Drummond 1888 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 1 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 2 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 3 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 4 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 5 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 6 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 7 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 8 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 9 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 10 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 11 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia - a descriptive record of the history, religion, literature, and customs of the Jewish people from the earliest times to the present day, Volume 12 1901 Zohar 'al ha-Torah Volume 1 part 1 (in Hebrew, Kabbalistic) 1862 Zohar 'al ha-Torah Volume 1 part 2 (in Hebrew, Kabbalistic) 1862 Zohar 'al ha-Torah Volume 2 part 1 (in Hebrew, Kabbalistic) 1862 Zohar 'al ha-Torah Volume 2 part 2 (in Hebrew, Kabbalistic) 1862 Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the Gospels, the Acts, some chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, and the First epistle to the Corinthians (1859) by John Lightfoot, Volume 1 Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the Gospels, the Acts, some chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, and the First epistle to the Corinthians (1859) by John Lightfoot, Volume 2 Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the Gospels, the Acts, some chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, and the First epistle to the Corinthians (1859) by John Lightfoot, Volume 3 Hebrew and Talmudical exercitations upon the Gospels, the Acts, some chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, and the First epistle to the Corinthians (1859) by John Lightfoot, Volume 4 aimonides and Halevi - a study in Typical Jewish attitudes towards Greek philosophy in the Middles Ages by Harry Wolfson 1912 Maimonides by David Yellin 1903 The Guide for the Perplexed by Mainmonides 1904 Moses Maimonides by Israel Friedlaender 1905 The Eight Chapters of Maimonides on Ethics 1912 Rabbi Wisdom by Martin Buber, article in The Living Age 1922 The Philosophy of Don Hasdai Crescas by Meyer Waxman 1920 Crescas on the Problem of Divine attributes by Harry Wolfson 1916 Note on Crescas' Definition of Time by Harry Wolfson 1919 A History of Mediaeval Jewish philosophy - I Husik 1916 A Book of Jewish thoughts by Joseph Hertz 1920 Anarchism by Emma Goldman 1917 Justice to the Jew - The story of what he has done for the World by Madison Clinton Peters 1899 Judah Messer Leon's Commentary on the "Vetus Logica" with a glossary of Hebrew Logical and philosophical terms by Isaac Husik 1906 The Problem of Space in Jewish Mediaeval Philosophy by Israel Efros 1917 Jewish Ideals and Other Essays by J Jacobs 1896 The Standard Book of Jewish verse by Joseph Friedlander 1917 The Improvement of the Moral Qualities - an ethical treatise of the 11th century by Solomon ibn Gabirol together with a translation and an essay on the place of Gabirol in the history of the development of Jewish ethics 1901 Step by step - a story of the early days of Moses Mendelssohn by AS Issacs 1910 Memoirs of Moses Mendelsohn, the Jewish philosopher by M Samuels 1827 Jewish Literature by Gustave Karpeles 1911 Outlines of Jewish history by Katie Magnus 1890 Outlines of Jewish history by Franci Gigot 1897 Problems of Quantum Theory in the Light of the Theory of Perturbations by Paul Epstein 1922 The Principles and Application of Imaginary Quantities by Benjamin Gompertz 1817 A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by WW Rouse Ball 1915 The Principle of Relativity - original papers by A. Einstein and H. Minkowski 1920 The Study of the Hebrew Language Among Jews and Christians, article in THE BIBLIOTHECA SACRA 1884 Jewish achievement By Mendel Silber 1910 What is Judaism? A survey of Jewish life, thought and achievement by AS Isaacs 1912 Jewish ethical idealism by Frank H Ridgley 1918 Jewish Dreams and Realities Contrasted with Islamitic and Christian claims by Henry Iliowizi 1890 The Messiah idea in Jewish history by Julius Greenstone 1906 Jewish Science by Alfred Moses 1916 Jesus the Jew by Harris Weinstock 1902 Jesus and the Thought of the World (Jewish View of Jesus) by Martin Meyer 1914 Jewish Theology by Solomon Levy 1920 Jewish Theology Systematically and Historically Considered by K Kaufmann 1918 Philo Judaeus - The Jewish-Alexandrian Philosophy in its development and completion, Volume 1, by James Drummond 1888 Philo Judaeus - The Jewish-Alexandrian Philosophy in its development and completion, Volume 2, by James Drummond 1888 Aspects of the Hebrew Genius, a Volume of essays on Jewish literature and thought by Leon Simon 1910 The Reasons of the Laws of Moses by Moses Maimonides 1827 Two Lectures on the life and writings of Maimonides by Abraham Benisch 1847 Jew and Gentile - essays on Jewish apologetics and kindred historical subjects by G Deutsch 1920 Reformed Judaism and its pioneers. A contribution to its history by Emanuel Schreiber 1892 A Short History of Jewish literature by I Abrahams 1906 The Future Belongs to the People (In Defense of Rosa Luxemburg) by Karl Paul August Friedrich Liebknecht 1918 The History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal by James Finn 1841 History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 1, 1891 History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 2, 1891 History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 3, 1891 History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 4, 1891 History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz Volume 5, 1891 Selected writings of Isaac M. Wise 1900 Jewish Life in the Middle Ages by Israel Abrahams 1919 Einstein, the Searcher - his work explained from dialogues with Einstein by A. Moszkowski 1921 Easy lessons in Einstein - a discussion of the more intelligible features of the Theory of Relativity / with an article by Albert Einstein and a bibliography 1920 by EE Slosson The Einstein Theory of Relativity- a concise statement by Hendrik Lorentz 1920 Einstein and the Universe by Charles Nordmann 1922 Jewish Literature from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Century by Moritz Steinschneider 1857 Jewish contributions to civilization by Joseph Jacobs 1919 A Zionist Primer by S Doniger 1917 A Guide to Zionism by Jessie Sampter 1920 Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy by Elise Polko 1869 Mendelssohn by William Rockstro 1884 Manual of Jewish History by David Cassel 1902 The Celebrities of the Jews by Avigdor Chaikin 1899 (Part 1) The Jewish Historico-critical School of the 19th Century by Nathan Stern 1901 Studies in Judaism by Solomon Schechter 1896 Jewish post-Biblical History through Great Personalities from Jochanan ben Zakkai through Moses Mendelssohn by Adele Bildersee 1918 The History of Yiddish Literature in the 19th century by Leo Weiner 1899 Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature by B Halper 1921 Karl Marx his Life and Work by John Spargo The Psychopathology of Everyday Life by Sigmund Freud 1914 The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud 1913 (three of Freud's sisters were later killed in Nazi concentration camps) Psycho-Analysis - a Brief Account of the Freudian Theory by Barbara Low 1920 Freud's Theories of the Neuroses by Eduard Hitschmann 1913 Three Contributions to the Sexual Theory by S Freud 1910 Leonardo da Vinci - a Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence by Sigmund Freud 1916 A General Introduction to Psycho-analysis by Sigmund Freud 1922 Essays on the writings of Abraham ibn Ezra Volume 4 by M Friedländer 1877 Past and Present - a collection of Jewish essays by M Friedländer 1919 Spinoza'a Short Treatise on God by A Wolf 1910 A Study of Spinoza by James Martineau 1883 French Thought and Spinozism, article in Contemporary Review 1877 Spinoza as Educator by WL Rabenort 1911 Spinoza - A Novel by B Auerbach 1882 Spinoza, his life and philosophy by F Pollock 1899 The Ethics of Spinoza, article in The Theological review 1870 The Idealism of Spinoza - John Clark Murray 1896 Spinoza and His Environment: A Critical Essay with a Translation of the Ethics by Henry Smith 1886 (poor scan) Spinoza - Four Essays by Jan Pieter Nicolaas Land, Kuno Fischer , Johannes van Vloten , Ernest Renan 1882 Spinoza's Political and Ethical Philosophy by Robert Duff 1903 Spinoza: a Handbook to the Ethics by J Picton 1907 Spinozism - The Religion of Gladness, article in Fraser's Magazine 1878 Spinoza and Religion - a Study of Spinoza's Metaphysics and of his Particular Utterances in regard to Religion by Elmer Powell 1906 Spinoza by John Caird 1888 (Jewish Philosophers, Kabbala, Descartes, Ethics) The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza Volume 1 1891 The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza Volume 2 1891 Aspects of Jewish Life and Thought 1922 Hebraic Literature - Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by M Harris 1901 The Social Significance of the Modern Drama by Emma Goldman 1914 Judaism by Israel Abrahams 1910 Judaism by Ephraim Levine 1900 The Spirit of Judaism by Josephine Lazarus 1895 Liberal Judaism by CG Montefiore 1903 The Ethics of Judaism by Moritz Lazarus, Volume 1, 1900 The Ethics of Judaism by Moritz Lazarus, Volume 2, 1900 Judaism: its Doctrines and Duties by Isaac M Wise 1888 The Sufferings of the Jews during the middle ages by Leopod Zunz 1907 The Eternal People - their Sufferings and Accomplishments by Lewis Lewisohn 1914 A History of the Jews in Modern Times by Max Raisin 1919 A History of the Hebrews, Volume 1, by Rudolf Kittel 1895 A History of the Hebrews, Volume 2, by Rudolf Kittel 1895 The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 1 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 2 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 3 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 4 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 5 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 6 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 7 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 8 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 9 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 10 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 11 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 12 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 13 1917 by Charles Horne The Sacred books and Early Literature of the East Volume 14 1917 by Charles Horne ... 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