Description: 1883 ARCHAEOLOGY BIBLE LANDS ANCIENT EGYPT JERUSALEM ISRAEL PALESTINE NINEVEH Click images to enlarge Description BURIED CITIES RECOVERED. OR, Explorations in Bible Lands, GIVING THE RESULTS OF RECENT RESEARCHES IN THE ORIENT, AND RECOVERY OF MANY PLACES IN SACRED AND PROFANE HISTORY LONG CONSIDERED LOST Illustrated with New Maps & Numerous Original Engravings. BY FRANK S. DEHASS, D. D. Member of the American Geographical Society, and late United States Consul in Palestine. FIFTH EDITION, WITH APPENDIX: CONTAINING A FULL ACCOUNT OF EGYPT AND THE EGYPTIANS, RISE AND FALL OF EMPIRES IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY, AND WONDERFUL CONFIRMATION OF REVELATION BY LATE DISCOVERIES . PHILADELPHIA : BRADLEY, GARRETSON & COMPANY, 66 NORTH FOURTH STREET. PHILADELPHIA 1883 WITH OVER 150 BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATIONS HARDCOVER, THIS BOOK MEASURES 9" X 6 1/2" X 2" 525 PAGES THIS BOOK IS COMPLETE, CLEAN AND IN VERY GOOD CONDITION... THERE ARE 4 PAGES WITH A PIECE OF THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER MISSING, ONLY ONE AFFECTS THE TEXT, OTHERWISE THE BOOK IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITION... PLEASE SEE PICTURES INTRODUCTION. THE author's object in accepting an appointment under the United States Government, and making his home for several years in Palestine, was not the honor or emoluments of office ; bnt a desire to visit the lands of the Bible, that he might examine and see for himself how far the manners, customs, and traditions of the people and topography of those countries, agreed with the inspired word. The sketches embraced in this volume were originally written for the author's own gratification, amidst the vivid scenes where the events described occurred; and it is a remarkable fact that almost every place mentioned in the Bible where any great event transpired may still be visited and identified, and generally identified by their old Hebrew names in the Arabic form — a most wonderful philological corroboration of the Biblical narrative. Recent explorations in the East have resulted in the re covery of many places in sacred history long regarded as lost; and as the facts brought out by these explorations are not accessible to the general reader, the author has compiled them in this concise form, and at the request of numerous friends gives them to the public in the hope that they may contribute in some degree to the elucidation of the Scriptures, correct some of the errors that many travelers have fallen into by a too hasty or superficial view of the places visited, and furnish all students of the Bible with the results of the latest researches in these lands, so full of sacred and historic lore. Personally, the author does not claim to have made all these discoveries; but, having visited and carefully examined the excavations made by Mariette Bey in Egypt, Dr. Schliemann at Troy, Dr. Wood in Asia Minor, and General Cesnola on Cyprus, and having been with Warren, Wilson, Drake, Ganneau, Conder, Maudslay, and others, in and around Jerusalem — also having traveled with Dr. Strong's party through Moab, and followed Dr. Porter through the Hauran — he writes from observations personally made, relying, however, in some in stances, for the correctness of his statements on the surveys and investigations of the eminent archaeologists named. Palestine, the great center of religious interest, though comparatively a small mountainous country, has, nevertheless, been the theater of the most stirring and momentous events in the history of our world. Learned divines, historians, and anti quarians for ages have been visiting this land, giving us glowing descriptions of their travels and the results of their investiga tions, until our libraries teem with volumes on Ihese subjects ; and yet the desire to know more about this country was never greater than at present. No other land is so fruitful a theme for meditation or so hallowed in its associations ; and, what is remarkable, it never loses its interest. The whole country seems to breathe an inspiration, and to the devout mind is fragrant with the most sacred memories. The scene of God's revelations to man, the land that suggested to the Jewish prophets their beautiful imagery, and to the great Teacher illustrations of his doctrines and narratives, can no more be exhausted than Deity himself. The more we read and know about Palestine the more interest it awakens. The influence of the name of Jesus, and the glory of his per sonal presence, seem to pervade the whole land, and the weary footprints of the " Man of Sorrows " are too deeply stamped upon its rocks ever to be effaced. The writer's official position, and his connection with the American and English Palestine Exploration Societies, afforded him many facilities in his researches he otherwise could not have enjoyed : and under the conviction that these investiga tions must tend to further corroborate the inspired record, and that every new volnme written on the subject must add to the knowledge and strengthen the faith of all lovers of the truth, ho casts these fresh leaves on the waters, with the sincere prayer that they may not return void, but correct in some measure the perverse tendency of the age to doubt the credibility of God's Holy Word. F. S. de Hass. CONTENTS. PART I. EGYPT, IN ITS RELATION TO THE BIBLE. CHAPTER I. OUR INHERITANCE IN EGYPT — THE BlBLE WRITTEN ON HER MONUMENTS..... 23 CHAPTER II. Alexandria — Seat of Greek Philosophy and Christian Theology. .................... 33 CHAPTER III. Heliopolis, Pyramids, and Colossal Sphinx. ......................... 42 CHAPTER IV. Memphis, the Noph or Scripture — Necropolis of Egypt. ............... 53 CHAPTER V. Thebes, the No-amon of the Bible — Grand Temple of Karnak. . .... 60 CHAPTER VI. Island of Phile, Last Seat of Egyptian Idolatry. ........................ 81 CHAPTER VII. The Exodus — Passage of the Red Sea, and Wilderness of Wandering. ..................90 PART. II. THE LAND OF ISRAEL. CHAPTER I. The Promise Land — Its Early Inhabitants and Conqust. ................ 109 CHAPTER II. Jaffa to Jerusalem — Tent Life in the Holy Land. ...................... 119 CHAPTER III. City of the Great King — A Walk about Zion. ............... 133 CHAPTER IV. Moriah — The Mountain of the Lord's House — Solomon's Temple. ........... 145 CHAPTER V. GOLGOTHA AND TOMB OF CHRIST — TRADITIONAL SlTES. ........... 160 CHAPTER VI. ROYAL SEPULCHER OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID — ROCK-HEWN TOMBS. .... 172 CHAPTER VII. Easter Festivities in Jerusalem — Solemn Mockeries. ............. 183 CHAPTER VIII. Bethlehem, and Hill Country or Judea — Locusts and Wild Honey. ...... 191 CHAPTER IX. Pools or Solomon — Cave of Adullam — Tomb or Herod. ............ 202 CHAPTER X Hebron — Cave of Machpelah — Beer-Sheba — Well or Abraham. .............. 213 CHAPTER XI. Land or the Philistines — An Extinct Race. .................... 224 CHAPTER XII. Sea-coast or Palestine — Plain or Sharon — Ancient Tyre. ............. 233 CHAPTER XIII. Mount Carmel — Scene of Elijah's Sacrifice — Convent and Grotto. ........... 244 CHAPTER XIV. From Jerusalem to Damascus — Bethel — Jacob's Well — Galilee. ........... 253 CHAPTER XV. Down to Jericho — Valley or the Jordan — Plain or Gilgal. ....................... 278 CHAPTER XVI. The Dead Sea — Cities or the Plain — Lot's Wife. ............. 294 CHAPTER XVII. Fortress of Masada, Engedi, and Cliff of Ziz. ........................ 305 PART III. TRANS-JORDANIC PALESTINE. CHAPTER I. The Land of Moab — Fortress of Machaerus — Prison or John the Baptist. ......... 315 CHAPTER II. Hot Springs of Calirrhoe — Moabite Stone and Pottery. ................. 329 CHAPTER III. Mount Pisgah — Grand Outlook From its Summit. ........... 341 CHAPTER IV. Land or Gilead— Remarkable Ruins — Wild Sons or Ishmael. ...... 350 CHAPTER V. Stone Cities of Bashan and the Hauran — Giant Races. ............. 366 CHAPTER VI. The Land of Uz — Traditional Palace or Job. ....... 382 CHAPTER VII. Argob and Padan-aram — Haran probably in Syria. .................. 398 CHAPTER VIII. Latest Discoveries in Assyria and Palestine — Recovery or Nineveh. ........... 404 CHAPTER IX Homeward Bound — Damascus — Baalbec — Ephesus — Athens. ........... 431 APPENDIX Egypt and the Egyptians -- Rise and Fall of Empires -- Conclusion. ........... 451 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Aaron's Tomb ........ 171 Adonis, River ....... 440 Adullam, Cave of ........ 207 Alexandria, Modern. ...... 34 Ali Diab, Sheik of the Adwans ....... 351 American Consulate, Jerusalem .......... Frontispiece Apis, or Sacred Bull ........ 57 Arabs Eating ...... 362 Arak el Emir, Rock-hewn Palace ...... 356 Arch, Ecce Homo ....... 184 Askelon, Ruins of ...... 228 Assyrian Black Obelisk ...... 411 Assyrian Sculpture and Seals ....... 408, 409, 414, 416 Assyrian Tablet of the Deluge ..... 412 Baalbec, Great Stone. ..... 486 Baalbec, Ruins of Temple ...... 480 Haal, Bead of. ....... 385 Banias, Grotto and Source of the Jordan. ........274 Bedouin Camp ...... 362 Beelzebub, Image of. ....... 426 Beersheba ....... 221 Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity ..... 189 Bloody Way ....... 279 Bozrah, Ruins of ....... 378 Bridge, Natural, Mt. Lebanon. .....441 Bridge, Robinson's. ..... 160 Calirrhoe, Hot Springs. ..... 331 Camels, Ships of the Desert. ..... 97 Camp Life in the Holy Land ..... 112 Capernaum and Sea of Galilee ..... 269 Castle of Subeibeh, Mount Mormon. ..... 276 Cave under Dome of the Rock. ..... 162 Cedars of Lebanon ..... 488 Cesarea Philippi, Banias ..... 272 Church of the Ascension 141 Church of the Holy Sepulcher. 161 Coins, Ancient Jewish, Widow's Mite ..... 312 Colossal Statues, Thebes. ..... 75 Convent of St. Catharine. ..... 99 Crucifixion ..... 186 Damascus, View of ....... 488 Damascus, Wall and East Gate. ..... 488 Dead Sea, from Engedi ..... 310 Donkey of Alexandria. ..... 87 Down to Jericho ..... 280 Dromedary Riding ..... 271 Egyptian Boat, Ancient ..... 41 Egyptian Brick ..... 78 Egyptian Funeral ..... 69 Egyptian Gateway ..... 21 Egyptian Remains, Island of Philae. ..... 79 Egyptian Sculpture — Hebrews Making Brick .. ..26, 86 Egyptian Temple, Exterior.. .... 69 Egyptian Temple, Interior. ..... 81 El Aksa, Temple Inclosure ..... 168 El Kuzneh, Petra. .... 108 Engedi and Cliff of Ziz ...... 310 Ephesua, Ruins of ..... 444 Fish Pools of Heshbon. ..... 321 Flight into Egypt. ...... 24 Flint Knives, from Tomb of Joshua ..... 284 Ford of the Jordan. ......286 Fountain at Tomb of Dorcas ....... 183 Gadara, Ruins ..... 363 Gate of Damascus, Jerusalem. ...... 264 Gateway of the Sik, Petra ..... 102 Gethsemane and Olivet. ...... 188 Golden Gate, Temple of Solomon. ..... 146 Grapes of Palestine. ........ 365 Great Sea under Temple Court ............ 147 Grecian Temple — Hauran ........... 392 Grinding at the Mill. ......... 186 Hadrian's Statue, Head of. ............ 427 Haggai's Seal ................ 164 Hebrew Inscriptions. ........... 422 Hebron ........... 219 Hezekiah's Pool and Dome over the Tomb of Christ. ............ 170 Hiram's Tomb ........ 242 Hyrcanus, Castle of ............ 355 Inscribed Rocks — Wady Mukatteb ..... 100 Jacob's Well ..... 175 Jaffa, From the Sea. ..... 181 Jerash, Mahanaim. .............. 360 Jericho, Ruin. .............. 287 Jerusalem, Plan of the City ............. 181 Jerusalem, View from Olivet. ........... 126 Jerusalem, View from the Wall ............. 144 Jew, Polish. ............. 117 Jews' Wailing Place. ............. 129 Job's Traditional Palace, Kunawat .............. 388 Joseph's Tomb ....... 176 Karnak, Temple of...... 64 Kedron Valley ...... 186 Kirjath Jearim — Emmaus. ....... 122 Lamps, Egyptian............... 89 Last Judgment, Egyptian ............. 86 Levitical Cities, Plan of ................ 428 Lotus of the Nile ....... 82 Luxor, Ruins of ...... 61 Machaerus, Fortress of ....... 328 Maps of Palestine and Gulf of Sues ...... 8, 91 Mars' Hill, Athens. ............ 447 Masada, Fortress and Synagogue. ....... 307 Moabite Pottery and Images. ...... 345 Moabite Stone ...... 336 Moabite Vase and Inscription ....... 420 Mosque of Omar ....... 166 Mountains East of Dead Sea. ...... 297 Mount Carmel and Convent........ 246 Mount Tabor ....... 249 Mummy Case, Egyptian. ....... 66 Nablous, Ancient Shechem. ....... 260 Nazareth ........ 268 Nineveh, Excavations. ....... 406 Oak of Abraham. ...... 216 Oak of Bashan ........ 358 Obelisk, Heliopolis ...... 44 Palm Trees ...... 201 Pompey's Pillar. ...... 86 Pools of Solomon. ...... 208 Pyramids ....... 44 Quarantania, Mount of Temptation. ....... 291 Rabbah Ammon ...... 318 Rachel's Tomb. .......199 Ramesium, Colossal Statue. ..... 74 Rehoboam, Son and Successor of Solomon ..... 67 Robbers' Retreat. ...... 266 Rock-cut Tombs, Jewish ..... 181 Rock-hewn Tombs — Interior ...... 174 Samaria, Ruins ....... 261 Sealed Fountain. ........ 204 Seals, Assyrian. ...... 414, 416 Smitten Rock ....... 228 Sphinx. ....... 61 Sphinx, Theban 62 Springs of Moses, Mount Pisgah ....... 344 Stone Houses of the Hauran, Stone Door ............. 371, 397 Stork and Nest ......... 446 Suez Canal ....... 40 Table-ware, Egyptian ...... 72 Temple of Isis, Island of Philae ...... 84 Tomb of Bishop Kingsley ..... 442 Tomb of Christ. ..... 166 Tomb of David, with Diagram. ..... 177, 179 Tomb of Joseph. ..... 176 Tomb of the Judges ..... 178 Tombs of the Kings, Egypt ...... 77 Tyre........ 240 Vaults Under the Temple Platform ...... 148 Water Wheel for Irrigation ...... 277 Well of Abraham. ....... 221 Wells of Moses ...... 95 Wilderness of Judea. ...... 198 Winged Globe, Egyptian........ 68 Winged Lion, Nineveh .......408 Wooden Statue, Found at Memphis.. ...... 37 Images sell! 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Special Attributes: 1st Edition, Illustrated
Year Printed: 1883
Place of Publication: PHILSDELPHIA